Archive for gunshot

Approximately 1725 GMT +8, 6 April 2010

Posted in Goth, gunshot, pizza with tags , , on April 6, 2010 by The Ghostwriter

Walked with my girlfriend to buy pizza, we passed by the park.
Gunshot. We searched where it came from.
Just across the street.
Everyone looked confused.
I saw a guy on a motorcycle. He tried to reach his chest.
He fell down, and his motorcycle tipped over.
She almost cried. Told her I was hungry. I pulled her away from the scene. Went to the ATM to get money. Went in the shop to buy an overloaded meat and cheese pizza. It was good. The man on the motorcycle was forgotten for a moment, but only for a moment.
After eating, went home. She was worried about what might happen next. Nothing. Until now. Nothing.

I don’t know who that man was. Might find out later in the news. Don’t know what happened to him. I think he’s dead. I don’t know why he was shot. Might as well continue eating.